CS3 Q2 Project Metaguide
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Francis Raphael Q. Sales
Student & Aspiring Engineer
Hey, I'm a student and an aspiring engineer. 15 years of age as of programming this website, I am a student of Philippine Science High School (Main Campus) in Quezon City. Though inclined on being an introvert, I try and persevere to be a key player in activities. I like to code C++ and some HTML and CSS. Given opportunities, I physically exercise. Until now, I am still reading the Harry Potter series. I am kind of formal but still open to trends nevertheless.
JavaScript-free site.
Really. Honestly. Genuinely.
Wait, actually! I think I added JS here. Honestly, it's just for analytics. All unique designs here are thanks to CSS. More JS elements are coming soon. Stay tuned!
Pure CSS. Pure HTML.
Nothing more! Nothing less!
It must have been the hover and "active" effects that got you. Inspect again and there'll be lots of pseudocodes and tags that will greet you!