Originally, I intended this website project to be a guide for creating a website project.
I figured out the mistakes in creating and publishing the first one. One of these is the
fact that it wasn't mobile-responsive since the text was also too small to read. I admit
the reason is because I didn't use pixels; instead, the site depended on the viewport width.
If you are curious and you want to see the "Alpha Version" of this site, you may visit it
CS3 Q2 Project Metaguide!
I decided to reconstruct this site again for nine to ten days, including some new information
about JavaScript since I didn't include anything about it.
In this new issue of a website, I made it truly mobile-responsive. I also incorporated the scripts
now that they were also relevant in making these sites for Computer Science 3. I attempted to pour
in more effort than I did last time. I believe this time, it was designed better.
Feel free to share this site if you've found the content here helpful. I'll try to update this site
whenever I can. If you have any queries, you can send them at my e-mail address: